Schedule a free consult!

You're in the middle of an important meeting/conversation and all of a sudden you are hit with an uncomfortable hot flush?

Or when you wake at 3 am covered in sweat?

Or when the alarm goes off and you are so tired and you wish you could just have a few more hours of precious sleep?

Or when you get up and can only hobble to the bathroom because your feet and joints are always so stiff and sore first thing in the morning?

You may start to wonder, is this daily fatigue, brain fog and forgetfulness my new normal?

Will my libido return? Why am I feeling so anxious/depressed? When will this hormonal roller coaster stop?

Schedule a free consult!

I just want to jump off now!


But even though going through perimenopause is full of ups and downs, it doesn't have to be miserable.

Millions of women have ridden this ride before you and have found ways not just to survive, but to thrive!

A woman impacted by the hormonal changes of perimenopause, who doesn't know whose advice they can trust when it comes to dealing with the symptoms you are experiencing.

Schedule a free consult!

You might be experiencing:

  • Weight gain
  • Irregular periods
  • Bloating
  • Hot flashes
  • Night sweats
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Mood swings
  • Decrease in physical strength
  • Decrease in bone density
  • Dry itchy skin
  • Loss of libido
  • Brittle nails
  • Breast tenderness
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Painful sex
  • Frequent urination
  • Irritability
  • Vertigo
  • Tinnitus
  • Digestive problems
  • Insomnia
  • Loss of balance
  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Fatigue
  • Aching joints
  • Headaches/Migraines
  • Memory lapses
  • Hair loss
  • Blurred vision
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Osteoporosis
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Dizziness
Schedule a free consult!

I coach and support women going through the hormonal changes of perimenopause to find their own unique balance with their diet and exercise so that they regain their vitality and a peaceful relationship with their food and body.

Unlike restrictive diets and 8-week weight loss challenges that provide temporary results but lead to rebound weight gain and feelings of frustration and failure, my clients achieve a lasting transformation through mindful and intuitive eating techniques and enjoyable exercise alternatives tailored specifically to their individual needs.

I have found through working with many women over the last 10 years that the three key ingredients to having a peaceful relationship with your body during perimenopause are Intuitive Eating, Intuitive Movement and Self Compassion.

Each component of my coaching model compliments the other.

It all starts with the Intuitive Eating mindset of rejecting diet culture and accepting that you truly are the master of your own body.

We are all unique and will experience the hormonal changes of perimenopause in our own unique way. There is no celebrity or health guru who knows what's best for your body.

Intuitive Eating will help you learn the foods that make your body feel good and perform well.

The principles of Intuitive Eating work in two key ways. Some of them help you gain body attunement- that is, the ability to hear (and thus respond to) the physical sensations that arise within the body, such as biological cues of hunger and fullness- and other principles work by removing obstacles to body attunement.

Intuitive movement will help you develop that deep mind-body connection so that you instinctively use exercise as a form of nourishment, not punishment.

Intuitive Movement is about really listening to your body and giving it what it needs to feel great on any particular day.

It is not about doing cardio to burn the calories that you have eaten that day.

Exercise should be enjoyable not a chore. Intuitive movement is about exercising because it makes you feel good, not just because it makes you look good.

Just like there is no one diet that is perfect for everyBODY, there is no one exercise plan that is perfect for everyBODY.

During perimenopause I’ve found it’s much more helpful to focus on how I can help my body to feel better rather than how I can make it look better...

It’s only since turning 50, that I’ve realised I was going through perimenopause for about 5 years before I even knew perimenopause existed! Since then, I have connected with thousands of women online who also felt surprised by the effects of perimenopause, particularly the body shape changes.

Fortunately, for me I discovered ‘Health at Every Size’ at about the same time. So when my body started changing shape and size I was far more accepting of these changes than I may have otherwise been. Now I help my clients do the same.

All bodies are worthy of love and respect no matter how they look.

Schedule a free consult!


Stage 1 - self-awareness & fostering self-compassion

This stage is all about self-awareness and being honest about what is working and what needs to change. This is the first step to any type of success. We'll find where you are on your perimenopause journey and where your health, fitness, mindset and overall lifestyle needs a little help.

Stage 2 - gaining clarity & goal setting

This is where we get clear on your goals and what is important. We begin to make a plan of how we can improve the key areas of your health, fitness, nutrition, mindset and self-care routine.

Stage 3 - personal growth & practising intuitive eating and intuitive movement

This is where the journey into your personal transformation begins. I help you discover the intuitive eating, intuitive movement and self-care practices you need daily to get you out of your "funk" so to speak and get you energised and moving forward. We also create a written plan with specific action steps - in order to be fully in control of your daily habits and mindset helping you to design the life you love.

Stage 4 - realisation of personal goals 

This is where you realise your health, fitness, nutrition and mindset goals and experience the benefits of the changes you have made.

Stage 5 - sustainable healthy habits for life  

Here we create a written plan and action steps moving forward. Together with your newly acquired intuitive eating, intuitive movement and mindset skills - you will be fully in control of designing a life you love.


At the end of the program, you will feel more hopeful and uplifted, knowing that you are equipped with a plan and all the knowledge you need to be in control of your perimenopause symptoms.

You will have developed a peaceful relationship with your food and your changing body. You will have achieved a lifestyle where you are thriving, feeling vibrant and back to your old self again. Feeling confident for the future.

Schedule a free consult!


12 weeks
1 x 60 minute session each week


Coaching sessions via Zoom
Additional video demos as required via YouTube


Support in between sessions via Facebook messenger and Zoom


Intuitive Eating Workbook
PDF worksheets
Guided meditations

Schedule a free consult!

I am a non-diet health, fitness and nutrition coach.

I help women going through the hormonal changes of perimenopause find their own unique balance with their diet and exercise so that they regain their vitality and a peaceful relationship with their food and their body.

Unlike restrictive diets and short term weight loss challenges that provide temporary results but lead to rebound weight gain and feelings of frustration and failure; my clients achieve a lasting transformation through mindful and intuitive eating techniques and enjoyable exercise alternatives tailored specifically to their individual needs.

I work with my clients to:

✔︎ Develop a peaceful relationship with their food and their body through intuitive eating.

✔︎ Reignite their passion for exercise through intuitive movement.

✔︎ Develop positive body image through the art of self-compassion.

I’ve put together a complimentary consult to help you understand how perimenopause is affecting you personally and how you can create a plan that involves nutrition, movement and self-care to navigate this challenging time.


Book yourself in for a complimentary 60 minute Personal Plan for Thriving Through Perimenopause

To see if we can work together to find a path that works for your unique situation, apply for a free consultation using the booking link below.


I work with my clients to:

✔︎ Develop a peaceful relationship with their food and their body through intuitive eating.

✔︎ Reignite their passion for exercise through intuitive movement.

✔︎ Develop positive body image through the art of self-compassion.

I’ve put together a complimentary consult to help you understand how perimenopause is affecting you personally and how you can create a plan that involves nutrition, movement and self-care to navigate this challenging time.


Book yourself in for a complimentary 60 minute Personal Plan for Thriving Through Perimenopause

To see if we can work together to find a path that works for your unique situation, apply for a free consultation using the booking link below.


As your coach, in order to empathise with you and your relationship with food, exercise and your body, it is my job to listen to your lived experience not to simply imagine what it is like for you.