“What I wish I knew about weight gain during perimenopause”


3 intuitive ways to help you manage your weight gain during perimenopause

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This guide will help you:

Understand what is happening

to your body at this stage and why you gain weight for no apparent reason during perimenopause

How weight gain presents itself

in perimenopause and help you recognise the symptoms of weight gain related to perimenopause

The big little secret

that the multi-billion dollar diet industry hides from you and why you should stop listening to them

The 3 intuitive ways

to help you manage your weight gain during perimenopause

How you can adjust

your health and fitness goals during perimenopause to be kinder to your changing body

The recommended movement

options that are ideal for perimenopause and will make you feel good in your body.

Get the Guide Today!

Just enter your name and email to download - and get started managing your perimenopause weight now!

      Hi I’m Fiona

      I help women going through the hormonal changes of perimenopause find their own unique balance with their diet and exercise so that they regain their vitality and a peaceful relationship with their food and their body.  

      Unlike restrictive diets and short term weight loss challenges that provide temporary results but lead to rebound weight gain and feelings of frustration and failure; my clients achieve a lasting transformation through mindful and intuitive eating techniques and enjoyable exercise alternatives tailored specifically to their individual needs.