I had been extremely fit and healthy competing in CrossFit competitions and running half marathons before perimenopause hit me like a tonne of bricks.

At first, I had numerous aches and pains and niggling injuries that just wouldn’t go away. Then I started gaining weight for no apparent reason. (Despite training 6 days per week and having a very healthy diet.) Next was extreme fatigue and slower recovery after exercise and what the hell was going on with my period? Early, late, heavy, light, different colours, you name it, I probably experienced it!

Did I mention the forgetfulness?? 

It wasn’t until I started having hot flushes and night sweats that I thought to myself, “Oh, this must be menopause!” Then I put on my science geek hat and started researching the topic. Surprisingly, there was not a lot of high-quality information and a plethora of pseudoscience quackery! This made me all the more determined to search for the truth about perimenopause. Wow! What an eye opener that process was. 


...and each woman’s transition through menopause is unique. So it really is a process of trial and error to find the right approach for your individual circumstances. Why aren’t we taught about perimenopause earlier so that we can be prepared before it starts?

Luckily for me, I had already discovered Health At Every Size, Intuitive Eating and the Body Positive Movement before perimenopause hit, so I was relatively well equipped to deal with the inevitable body shape changes that take place during perimenopause and menopause with a good dose of self-compassion. However, figuring out the right path for me was far from smooth sailing.

Did I need to see my doctor? Should I ask for hormone replacement therapy? What tests did I need?

When I finally booked in to see my doctor she suggested that now was a great time to slow down a bit and make self-care a priority. As a busy mum of four and business owner I had to learn how to slow down and really tune into how my body was feeling each day.

I’d been following a rigorous CrossFit coaching program for about 5 years, whilst I still followed parts of my program, I had to learn it was ok if I didn’t complete it all each week. I had to give myself permission to have an extra rest day when needed.

Just like parents understand when their teenagers are going through puberty, even though they may be fit and healthy children, they will need extra rest as their bodies deal with their changing hormones. As a 50 year old woman I had to learn how to parent myself with loving kindness.

After seeing many of my clients struggling similarly with the symptoms of perimenopause I decided to research the topic in even greater depth so that I could help them through this disruptive time.

I now specialise in helping women who are going through the hormonal changes of perimenopause to find their own unique healthy balance with their diet and exercise so that they regain their vitality and a peaceful relationship with their food and their body. This is where my coaching techniques differ from other personal trainers and nutritionists. I am not about quick fix weight loss programs that may lead to temporary weight loss but then result in rebound weight gain and feelings of frustration and failure.

With over 10 years experience in personal training using the non-diet approach, I help my clients break the yo-yo dieting cycle and achieve a lasting transformation through mindful and intuitive eating practises that fit with their day to day life. I also help them find enjoyable exercise alternatives tailored specifically to their individual needs.

I am very fortunate to live in the beautiful coastal town of Port Macquarie, Australia with my husband, two active teenage sons, two spoiled dogs (who think they’re people) and an aloof cat. I also have two adult children who have flown the nest whom I miss everyday. When I’m not training my clients in the gym or coaching online, you’ll find me exploring one of our many National Parks, enjoying the local coastal walk and beaches or learning to play the piano.

Fiona Pitt has a Bachelor of Applied Science specialising in Environmental Health.

After working as an Environmental Health and Building Surveyor for 20 years, she quit her corporate career following the birth of her fourth child to pursue her passion for health and fitness.

She is a certified personal trainer with post graduate studies in food and nutrition. She is also a member of Health At Every Size Australia and has completed industry based courses in the Non-diet Approach and Intuitive Eating.

A self-confessed science geek, you will often find Fiona pouring over the latest research articles on women’s health, sports science and nutrition just for fun.